Apr,06 2020

How long does coronavirus live on surfaces?


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How long does coronavirus live on surfaces? Up to three days, in some cases. An expert explains how we can deal with it.

A study, conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases' Montana facility at Rocky Mountain Laboratories, evaluated how long the CVOID 19 virus lasted on common household and hospital surfaces. These results were comparable with those of the SARS virus, which was contained since 2004.

An assistant professor of environmental engineering at Northwestern University, Erica Hartman, an expert on how microbial communities respond to human-made chemicals, tries to help us interpret the results of this study and provide tips on how we can try to keep coronavirus off surfaces in our Businesses and Homes.


Up to 3 hours

These tiny liquid particles -- smaller than droplets -- float in the air after someone sneezes, coughs or exhales

In a laboratory setting, the study found particles of the coronavirus could be suspended in the air for hours. 

The World Health Organization, however is not convinced the virus would stay aloft that long under normal conditions in a business or residential environment: "Further studies are needed to determine whether it is possible to detect COVID-19 virus in air samples from patient rooms where no procedures or support treatments that generate aerosols are ongoing."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the virus is primarily transmitted through "close contact from person-to-person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected," including humans with no symptoms.

Neither the WHO nor the CDC have taken a definitive stance on whether the virus could be transmitted via aerosols in the air, but other experts believe COVID-19 could be

Question: The weather is supposed to be warmer in the coming days. Is it safe and/or recommended to open my windows at home?

Hartmann: "Absolutely. Assuming the air quality is good, getting some fresh air into your home is a great idea. 


4 hours

Coins, jewelry, pipes, wires, brass fixtures, hospital equipment, phone, remote control

Copper alloys have antimicrobial properties and have been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency as pesticide capable of killing 99% of six types of bacteria within two hours of exposure.

The Copper Development Association, however, says more testing is required before it’s benefits in fighting the coronavirus could be assessed.

Question: It is true that copper has properties that can kill viruses? If so, then could it be effective in fighting coronavirus?

Hartmann: "There is evidence that using copper for high-touch surfaces, for example in hospitals, can reduce the spread of many different kinds of infection. This does not mean that pennies will protect you from coronavirus or that you never need to clean copper surfaces."


Up to 1 day

Delivery boxes, food packaging

UPS, FedEx, the Postal Service, the CDC, WHO and U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams all agree -- mail and packages are at a very low risk for passing coronavirus onto people.

The CDC says, "there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods."

Harvard Medical School reminds us that Covid-19 is a respiratory virus, "We don't stop receiving packages from China during their flu season. We should follow that same logic for the virus that causes COVID-19."

Question: Is it safe to open my mail and/or other packages that are delivered to my home immediately after I receive them?

Hartmann: "Yes, you can open deliveries. After handling mail or packages, wash your hands."


2 to 3 days

Milk, detergent or soap containers, shopping bags, light switches, remote controls

If everyone in your household is healthy, then the CDC recommends regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces -- tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, sinks and electronics -- with household cleaners and EPA-registered disinfectants that are appropriate for the surface, following label instructions. Plan to clean and disinfect these surfaces daily if a family member falls ill.

The Food Package Forum recommends the following actions after plastic items are purchased and brought into your home:

  • Wash the packaging with soap and water.
  • Or, transfer goods from their packaging to cleaned containers for storage, and then discard the packaging.
  • Or, simply don't touch the items for up to three days after they enter your home.

Follow any of these methods with 20-second washing of your hands.

Question: What about grocery bags, food delivery bags or other items I carry into the house? Do I need to disinfect those?

Hartmann: "I wouldn't worry too much about these. After taking the contents out of the bags, wash your hands. For reusable bags, you can wash them with soap and water if you plan on reusing them very soon."

Stainless steel

Up to 3 days

Kitchen appliances, cutlery, cookware, electronic gadgets including cellphones

Electronics and touch screens, should be cleaned with an alcohol-based spray or wipes with at least 70% alcohol, according to the CDC, but check the manufacturer's instructions first.

Question: Lots of electronic gadgets and kitchen appliances are made of stainless steel. We touch them all the time. Is it possible to clean these items too often? Or, can we not do enough to keep them clean?

Hartmann: "Regarding kitchen appliances, if there are a lot of people using them (like, you're in a shared house with many roommates), you may consider giving them an occasional wipe down. But really, if someone in your household is sick, have them stay in bed and out of the kitchen. Be nice to them and bring them soup and save yourself the trouble of disinfecting the fridge handle."

Other common household items

Fruits and vegetables

Question: Do I need to wash off fruit and vegetables that I purchase from the grocery store or have delivered to my home? If so, then what's the proper way to do that?

Hartmann: "Food is not considered a big risk but Serious Eats has written a good guide on food. 

Clothing and bedsheets

Question: How often do you recommend I clean the clothing that I wear and the sheets that I sleep in? Are these considered carriers of the virus?

Hartmann: "If you are not sick, then you don't need to worry about how often you clean clothes or sheets. If you are sick or live with a sick person, the CDC does have recommendations on how to launder things from people that are sick.”

Floors inside your home

Question: When I do leave my home to go for a walk or head to the grocery store, what is a good routine to follow when I return home to make sure I track in as little of the virus as possible?

Hartmann: "I always recommend washing your hands as soon as you get home. You don't need to worry about tracking it in on your feet. Floors don't pose a large risk for infection, so I wouldn't worry about disinfecting them. Just because a virus gets on your feet doesn't mean you will get sick."

Wheeler’s Pest Control has been dealing with virus and Bio-Hazard Remediation For over 2 decades. Give us a call if you have any questions about or process and pricing for COVID-19 remediation services at 877-595-2847.

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Teresa Hutchinson

Guys came on time did their job in a very professional way and we are very happy with their service.

Joe English

Company is on top of their game David  showed up to get are gophers. came out three days in a row haven’t seen a go for since

Gary M.

Joseph is a great ambassador for Wheeler's pest control, and a shout out to Daniel for dealing with my crazy schedule. Thanks guys!

Kristen Forrester

A local business that everyone should support. All techs are knowledgeable, professional! FYI, they are also great w/ eradicating gophers as well!!